Something even a kid can write about a show.Seriously, you don't like it, then don't watch it, no complain, everyone's happy, simple.

Destiny sucks but if you just running around the net gathering a bunch of negative comments on something you don't actually watch, this is as far as you can write, yeah yeah bad build up, bad ending a damn general and oversimplified perspective. The poor fights itself is the major thing hinder this thing from being interesting. Anonymous It is not shit, it is better than 0089 with a bunch of idiots running around doing the same thing Char and Amuro did. I'm not going to bother with DESTINY, since it's not getting an HD Remaster. I'd rather have seen an older Series get this treatment, IMO.

SEED was going to be nice when it was first announced, it started to really dwindle down to not being interesting, all the way to the lackluster end. Not to mention the Characters aren't really even that interesting. The build up is very disappointing for the Series, the second half is okay. And don't even get me started about SEED DESTINY.