The remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers starring Donald Sutherland was better than the original. I think John Carpenter’s remake of Thing from Another World (aka “ The Thing“) was better than the original. Thereee have been very few remakes that can truly capture the magic of the original and even fewer that can surpass it. Night of the Living Dead 1990 Deep Dark Thoughts In the end, this remake is by no means superior to the original, but instead a good-looking and refreshing upgrade that ought to be watched for it simple entertainment purpose.

The makeup for the zombies is fantastic and remains the best reason to watch this remake. This said the point of this film was probably not to make the story better, but to make the film look better (the special effects in the original were pretty bad). Personally, I did not like that change because I always thought that the evolution of the character of Barbara in the original movie is part of what made it such a classic of psychological horror. The biggest change comes from Barbara herself, the main woman character, who is here more of a tough girl rather than the shocked and useless victim from the original movie. The story is really faithful to the original, with no major surprises and yet a little welcome change here and there. Remaking such a classic was meant to be a tough task right from the start, but I think Savini made a good job with it. Despite a few other shorts before and after, it will also be his only full-length feature film. This film is also the directing debut of Tom Savini, the ultra-famous actor/SFX wizard/stuntman.

This film is the remake of Romero’s masterpiece of the zombie kind Night of the Living Dead, released in 1968 and now widely considered as one of the best zombies flicks ever made.